SquaredFinancial 获得卓越和稳定性的回报,赢得 2024 年最可靠经纪人奖。 尽管市场动荡不安,变化是行业唯一不变的因素,但 SquaredFinancial...
由于 3 月 9 日为美国夏令时,部分金融工具的交易时间表将有所变动。请在查看下方时间表。 所有时间均为格林尼治标准时间。 美国夏令时时间...
为纪念 2 月 17 日美国总统日,部分交易产品的交易时间安排如下。请查看细则。 所有时间均为格林尼治标准时间。 美国总统日
为庆祝 1 月 28 日中国农历新年,部分金融产品的交易时间表将有所变动。请查看下文。 所有时间均为格林尼治标准时间。 28/1/2025 29/01/2025
为纪念 2025 年 1 月 20 日的马丁路德金纪念日,部分产品的交易时间将有所更改。请查看以下细则。
为庆祝美国国庆日和敬老日,部分金融工具的交易时间将有所变动。请查看下文。 所有时间均为格林尼治标准时间。 美国哀悼日 09/01/2025...
为庆祝圣诞节和新年,部分交易品种的交易时间将有所调整。请查看以下文件。 所有时间均为格林尼治标准时间。 交易品种 2024/12/24 星期二
为庆祝感恩节,11 月 28 日和 29 日部分交易产品的交易时间表将有所更改。请查看详细情况。 所有时间GMT盘面时间(北京时间+8)。
由于美国夏令时到来,11 月 3 日部分交易产品的交易时间将有所更改。请在下面查看细则。所有时间为GMT盘面时间(北京时间+8). 2024...
由于欧盟冬令时开始,10 月 27 日部分交易产品的交易时间将有所更改。请在下面查看细则。所有时间为GMT盘面时间(北京时间+8).
为庆祝重阳节,10月10日,11日,14日部分交易产品交易时间将有所调整。请在下面查看详细列表。 所有时间为盘面GMT时间(北京时间+8).
Set yourself as forward-thinking. Keep the ball rolling. As we approach the sunset of this year and set an eye on 2024, I am filled with gratitude for the stellar journey we have shared...
Keep your capital asset by Stathis Flangofas, CFO at Squared Financial Group As a CFO, I like to put value on everything. I’m not talking about money here, because some things cannot be assessed...
Facing the wave of disruptions by Philippe Ghanem, Founder of Squared Financial Group Recent history is witnessing three of its toughest years. A pandemic that is still shaking the world,...
Alarabiya hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to discuss the impact of earnings on global markets.
Bloomberg Línea hosts SquaredFinancial’s Market Analyst, Renato Campos, to discuss Nvidia shares.
Asharq Business hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to cover the latest decision by the Central Bank of China.
Bloomberg Línea hosts SquaredFinancial’s Market Analyst, Renato Campos, to cover the Fed’s decision to cut rates by 50 basis points and its impact on markets.
Alarabiya hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to cover the Fed’s decision to cut rates by 50 basis points.
Bloomberg Línea hosts SquaredFinancial’s Market Analyst, Renato Campos, to discuss how six of the “Magnificent Seven” tech firms are defying September’s market downturn.
Asharq Business hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to discuss the awaited Fed decision on rate cuts.
Alarabiya hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to discuss the ECB decision.
Asharq hosts SquaredFinancial’s Chief Market Analyst, Nour Hammoury, to discuss recession and safe havens during the current market volatility.
Sky News Arabia hosts SquaredFinancial’s Global Head of Sales and Business Development: GCC & MEA, Dominique El Khoury, to discuss if markets are overreacting to the recent economic events.